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Rental Policy




1)         The balance of the rental fees for the listed items shall be paid in full no later than 2 weeks (14 days) prior to the Date/OUT. We accept cash, checks, VISA, MasterCard, Discover & American Express.  All monies collected are non-refundable. All returned checks shall be subject to a $35.00 service fee. All charges as set forth herein are earned whether or not you use the rented items. If you desire to rent the items for longer than what is indicated on this contract, the items are subject to equipment availability, you must contact one of our consultants so that additional rental fees can be agreed upon, charged and added as an attachment to your contract. If we are delivering & picking up the rented items, you are responsible for providing us with an onsite contact & phone number of whom will grant us access to the delivery site and sign for the order during the scheduled Date/OUT time frame on this contract. If the onsite contact is unavailable or unable to grant us access to the delivery site, we will leave the site, a redelivery fee will apply, and we will redeliver at our convenience prior to the event. Rental items must be accessible at the site during the scheduled Date/RETURN time frame on this contract. If the items are not accessible, we will leave the site, another pick up fee will apply, and we will pick up at our convenience. Date/OUT and Date/RETURN time frames cannot be changed within 48 hours of delivery or pick up. Equipment setup & takedown is not included in the Delivery, Pick Up & Fuel Charge. If you want us to setup and takedown, you agree to pay us setup & takedown charges. If you are the one picking up and bringing back the rented items, you are responsible for returning them to us by the end of the business day on the date Date/RETURN set forth on this contract. If they are returned late you agree to pay the daily rental fees as set forth in this contract. An open voucher will be held until all items are returned on time and in undamaged condition, you authorize us to automatically charge for extended rentals, redelivery fees, additional pick up fees and/or replacement costs for damages or missing items to the open voucher.



Return of Supply


2)         Empress requires that all products/equipment be returned to Empress in a clean/neat/orderly fashion. This includes, but is not limited to, tableware/flatware returned washed and dried, floral/greenery returned orderly/untangled, Arches returned unassembled (or returned how Empress delivered equipment), and Linens bagged separately - we will clean linens. Do not wash linens. Do not place wet linens in plastic bags as this can lead to mildew and damage our inventory. If products/equipment are not returned in a clean/neat/orderly fashion, Empress reserves the right to charge client an additional clean up fee of $200. Empress also reserves the right to refuse any contracted business with client in the future.



Deposits & Cancelation Policy


3)         When you place an order with us, we then reserve all listed items, prepare them and package them either for your delivery or pickup. Deposits are non-refundable, but if you cancel 14 days prior to the Date/OUT, we will issue you a credit voucher for the full amount of your order for you to use for any future rental so long as this is done within 180 days from the date of your cancellation. The credit voucher is transferable. If you cancel within 7 to 14 days from the Date/OUT, a Restocking/Cancellation Fee of twenty percent (20%) of the total contract price shall apply, which you then forfeit and authorize us to keep. The remaining balance will be issued to you in a credit voucher. If you cancel within 6 days from the Date/OUT, then you forfeit the entire contract price as a Cancellation Fee. These Cancellation Fees shall apply regardless of reason – NO EXCEPTIONS. Issued credit voucher possesses no cash value.


If a date change is requested by you but you do not cancel, notification must be given to us at least 14 days prior to the Date/OUT, but will then be subject to equipment availability, without any liability on our part. In the event that the equipment is not available, the Cancellation Policy as set forth above otherwise applies.



Damages/Losses to Equipment and Personal Property


4)         You agree to pay for any and all damages to any of the listed items which also includes the loss of any listed items. In this regard, we shall retain a non-refundable five percent (5%) damage and loss fee to be applied towards any damages to or loss of the listed items, which shall be paid for in advance.  If damages to or loss of does occur, then you agree to pay for any additional costs that the damage and loss fee does not cover. An open voucher will be held until all items are returned on time and in undamaged condition, you authorize us to automatically charge for the replacement costs for damages or missing items to the open voucher. As to linens, you agree to pay for any damages caused by ink, wax spots or damage, burns, scorches, staple holes and the like. If linens are wet, do NOT place them in plastic or other non-breathable bags or containers as this causes mildew which could ruin the linens and for which you then agree to pay for replacements.


We are not responsible for any damage, loss or destruction of any of your personal property, including but not limited to cellular phones, computers, labtops, iPods, iPads, stereo equipment, jewelry, watches, clothing that may be caused by inclement weather such as rain, wind, dust, or any other unforeseen circumstance, nor shall of same entitle you to any refund of the rental price as set forth in this contract.



Assumption of Risk


5)         You assume the risk of injury to you and any of your invited guests or other persons that are in any way related to the use of the rented items if they are used improperly, modified, altered, abused or otherwise tampered with.



Attorneys Fees


6)         In the event we are forced to hire legal counsel or otherwise institute legal proceedings to enforce the terms of this contract, you agree to pay our reasonable attorney’s fees and costs in so doing.


Please review our Terms and Conditions.





For questions or concerns, please contact us!






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